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What are pasture-raised chickens?Our Cornish Cross chicks arrive at the farm when they are one day old. Two of our son are the "brooder masters" who start the chicks in our heated brooding facility. At two to four weeks of age, depending on the weather, the chicks are moved outside into portable shelters. These shelters are necessary for protection from bad weather and predators. Each day the shelters are moved to fresh pasture which allows the birds to be raised in a cleaner, healthier environment. They continue to recieve fresh air, clean grass, exercise and sunshine every day for the remainder of their lives. The chickens also receive grain to balance their diets. All grains for our poultry feed are raised here on the farm and we blend our own feed adding an organic mineral supplement. Our feed contains NO hormones, antibiotics, genetically midiried organisms (GMOs), or meat and bone meal. Why pasture-raised chickens?The easiest answer is the great taste, but there are many health benefits and it is also much gentler on the environment. Researchers have shown the meat and eggs from grass-fed animals supply our bodies with a natural source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, CLA and Beta-Carotene. Our chickens are also fresh, never more that 12 hours old when they are picked up on the farm. We process chickens several times throughout the summer and fall.Processing is done in the morning and you pick up your fresh chickens in the afternoon. They will keep up to a year in the freezer.
Sonrise Farms 1330 East 3000 North Rd. Penfield, IL 61862 Phone: 217-595-5603 Email: ![]() |
Not affiliated with Sonrise Farms Food Packaging of Birmingham Alabama.
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