ArXiv preprints
A new method for reducing algebraic programs to polynomial programs
(With M. Maaz),
2502.08210, 2025.
Computing Limits of Quotients of Multivariate Real Analytic Functions,
2102.01242, 2021.
Asymptotic Solutions of Polynomial Equations with Exp-Log Coefficients,
1904.06796, 2019.
CAD Adjacency Computation Using Validated Numerics,
1704.06856, 2017.
Algorithm for computing semi-Fourier sequences of expressions involving
exponentiations and integrations (With H. Hong),
1702.07060, 2017.
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition Using Local Projections,
1405.4925, 2014.
Divide-And-Conquer Computation of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition,
1402.0622, 2014.
Univariate real root isolation in an extension field (With E. Tsigaridas),
1101.4369, 2011.
HAL preprints
Univariate real root isolation in an extension field and applications
(With E. Tsigaridas),
hal-01248390, 2015.
Univariate real root isolation in presence of logarithms
(With E. Tsigaridas),
hal-01001820, 2013.
Univariate Real Root Isolation in Multiple Extension Fields
(With E. Tsigaridas), preprint of ISSAC 2012 paper,
hal-00776074, 2013.
Unpublished manuscripts
Real Quantifier Elimination for Non-Prenex Formulas,
[PDF], 2011.
A Criterion for Validation of Approximate Roots of Holomorphic Functions,
[PDF], 2006.
Solving Sparse Diophantine Equations in One Variable,
[PDF], 2005.
An Improved Algorithm for Diophantine Equations in One Variable,
[PDF], 2001.
Global optimization of real algebraic functions subject to algebraic
equation and inequality constraints,
[PDF], 1999.
Solving algebraic inequalities,
[PDF], 1999.