Get sample JSON data
We'll get some sample JSON data by using cURL to call Twitter's API.
2014 March
As of 2014 March Twitter API v1.1, the following method works.
- Go to Twitter app's home page and make a testing app such as https://apps.twitter.com/app/5928994/,
- click on the "Test OAuth" button to see various authentication metadata,
- click on "See OAuth signature for this request" button, and see more specialized authentication data, including a directly usable temporary cURL command for the RESTful request.
As an example
curl \
--get 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json' \
--data 'count=2&screen_name=twitterapi' \
--header 'Authorization: \
OAuth oauth_consumer_key="Iie5pLbQHTcvsNSL4Q9bQ", \
oauth_nonce="5ae19d9143cfec50b3990e19e8863b21", \
oauth_signature="NROfqSHW1BLMFwK8ePbZQfLzwaI%3D", \
oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", \
oauth_timestamp="1395206578", \
oauth_token="14663976-CN3V54WoIXzofcn697ooLjDRaNuHS0ZiEFLCMDyK4", \
oauth_version="1.0"' \
--verbose \
> twitter-api-get-output.json
obtains JSON data
Note this exact call is only valid for a few minutes after it was first created.
Example jq queries
Get all values of text
$ cat twitter-api-get-output.json | jq '.[].text'
"Broadcasting the voices of WordPress users, one Tweet at a time https://t.co/XCkAskpXVB"
"RT @crashlytics: Announcing Crashlytics Labs Project: Beta Distribution http://t.co/JifugCbtU2 #androiddev #iosdev http://t.co/Y0e2Ahm9lI"