Uninstalling plug-in
Preferences → Install/Update → Uninstall or update software that is already installed → select some plug-ins → click Uninstall
Move a project's directory
Suppose you have a project 'project1' which is at path
and you want to move it
to /home/XXX/workspace/group/project1/
In order to avoid destroying the metadata of the project such as working sets and .project file, use the refactor function in the menu rather than deleting and recreating the project.
- Create the directory
. - Use menu Windows > Views > Other > Navigator.
- Right click on the project of interest in the Navigator view.
- Choose refactor > move, and select the new path
, and click OK.
Change a CVS repository to use 'ext' connection method
By default a CVS repostiory created in Eclipse uses a non-standard connection method 'extssh'. To change an existing project to use 'ext' connection method,
Window > Open Perspective > CVS Repository Exploring > add a CVS repository with same setup as the 'extssh' repository but this time specify 'ext' as connection method.
Preferences > Team > CVS > Ext Connection Method > check 'Use another connection method type to connect', choose 'connection type' as 'extssh'.
Open Window > View > Navigator, in the Navigator view, right click on the interested project, go to menu Properties > CVS > Change Sharing > choose the CVS repository with 'ext' connection method.
Using the same physical directory as projects in different workspaces
- Git clone (or CVS check out) a version controlled project to a centralized location on one's computer.
- In each Eclipse workspace that you need the repository or project, use the menu "File > Import... General: Existing Projects in Workspace" to import the repository, but point it to the directory prepared in the last step. Make sure the "copy projects into workspace" checkbox is unchecked.