St.Petersburg by Train

Our brief time in Moscow with Totya Asia's dear family was drawing to a close. There was a lot to see in Moscow that we hadn't seen, but that's why you have to tell yourself "I'll be back." Karo gave us a lift to the Leningrad station, giving us one last chance to see Moscow, by car.

It was exciting to board the train, which had to be the most comfortable and gentle form of transportation on our entire trip. The only disappointment was my CD player, packed just for this long train trip, didn't work.

As we were packing I couldn't find the memo pad with all my notes from the trip, so I spent a couple hours on the train jotting down everything I could still remember.

Apartment in St.Petersburg

Sveta let us stay in her apartment, and she went with her husband Sergey and little boy Vitalik to stay in the next building with her parents. This picture shows their cozy kitchen, featuring authentic beaver skins covering the stools.

The location was nice, right by the Gulf of Finland and away from the noise of the city center. At this point we'd been away from home for about a month. With our own kitchen and a convenient grocery store, we fell into a comfortable domestic habit of sleeping in, cooking for ourselves, studying Russian, and only occasionally going into the city. When we did it was to do all the shopping we missed in Moscow and to see things like St.Isaac's.

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Last modified: Fri Oct 14 12:46:03 Central Standard Time 2005