Research Articles

Robert Knapp, "Transmission of solitons through random media", Physica D 85 (1995) 496-508

Abstract: The one dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation with a random potential function is used to model pulses in a very long low dispersion optical fiber with random fluctuations. When the initial pulse is a soliton solution of the unperturbed NLS equation, we show that an approximate theory can be developed for the effects of the fluctuations by using an equivalent particle method. Results of direct numerical simulations are presented. Comparisons of the approximate theory and the direct numerical solutions indicate that the theory is accurate enough to use for finding statistics about the transmission of the soliton-like pulses through the fluctuations. Computations provide evidence for the existence of nonlinear localization, though with a large localization length.

Roberto Camassa, M Gregory Forest, and Robert Knapp, "Enhancement of optical bistability by periodic layering", Nonlinearity 5 (1992) 721-742

Abstract: We study analytically and numerically the effect of a periodic perturbation in the index of refraction of a nonlinear optical medium. Using a one-dimensional model for monochromatic waves incident on the medium, we find that near resonance between the perturbation and the modulation of the electric field there can be significant enhancement of optical bistability in the low intensity regime. In particular, we discuss in detail the case of the primary resonance, which is responsible for the most significant effects, and show how one can optimize the bistability curve for the implementation of an optical switch, based on the information provided by the resonance structure.

James M. Hyman, Robert Knapp, and James C. Scovel, "High order finite volume approximations of differential operators on nonuniform grids", Physica D 60 (1992) p112-138

Abstract: When computing numerical solutions to partial differential equations, difference operators that mimic the crucial properties of the differential operators are usually more accurate than those that do not. Properties such as symmetry, conservation, stability, and the duality relationships between the gradient, curl, and divergence operators are all important. Using the finite volume method, we have derived local, accurate, reliable , and efficient difference methods that mimic these properties on nonuniform rectangular and cuboid grids. In a finite volume method, the divergence, gradient, and curl operators are defined using discrete versions of the divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem. These methods are especially powerful on coarse nonuniform grids and in calculations where the mesh moves to track interfaces or shocks. Numerical examples comparing local second and fourth-order finite volume approximations to conservation laws on very rough grids are used to demonstrate the advantages of the higher order methods.

R. Knapp, G. Papanicolaou, and B. White "Transmission of waves by a nonlinear random medium", Journal of Statistical Physics 63 (1991) 567-583

Abstract: We study analytically and numerically the effect of nonlinearity on transmission of waves through a random medium. We introduce and analyze quantities associated with the scattering problem that clarify the lack of uniqueness due to the nonlinearity as well as the localization of waves due to the random inhomogeneities. We show that nonlinearity tends to delocalize the waves and that for very large scattering regions the average transmitted energy is small.

R. Knapp, G. Papanicolaou, and B. White "Nonlinearity and localization in one dimensional random media", Disorder and Nonlinearity A.R. Bishop, D.K. Campbell, and S. Pnevmaticos, eds. (Springer 1989) 2-26

Abstract: A nonlinear Fabry-Perot etalon with random inhomogeneities is modeled by a one-dimensional stochastic Helmholtz equation. An asymptotic estimate of the threshold intensity needed for optical bistability is found for homogeneous media as a function of length. In the random case localization is affected and estimates of the energy growth are derived for large lengths with fixed output. Comparisons of the theory and numerical simulations are presented.

R. Knapp, "Nonlinearity and localization in one dimensional random media", Ph.D. thesis, New York University (1988)

Abstract: A nonlinear Fabry-Perot etalon with random inhomogeneities is modeled by a one-dimensional stochastic Helmholtz equation. An asymptotic estimate of the threshold intensity needed for optical bistability is found for homogeneous media as a function of length. In the random case localization is affected and estimates of the energy growth are derived for large lengths with fixed output. FOr fixed input and length the effect of nonlinearity in the zero intensity limit is shown to be a decrease in the transmittivity of the etalon. Comparisons of the theory and numerical simulations are presented.

Robert Knapp

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