pages tagged 幽默 http://meng6net.localhost/tag/%E5%B9%BD%E9%BB%98/ <p><small>Copyright © 2005-2020 by <code>Meng Lu &lt;;</code></small></p> Meng Lu's home page ikiwiki Tue, 16 May 2017 23:59:39 +0000 老程序猿的那些瞬间 http://meng6net.localhost/zh/developer_humor/developer_moments/ http://meng6net.localhost/zh/developer_humor/developer_moments/ 圖片 幽默 Tue, 16 May 2017 23:59:39 +0000 2017-05-16T23:59:39Z <p>圖片和英文標題來自 和。 中文標題是我自己翻譯的。</p> <p>When I'm deploying code to production<br /> 當我將代碼部署到服務器上時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-34.gif" alt= "code-34.gif" /></p> <p>When I try to fix a bug at 3 in the morning<br /> 當我凌晨三點還在修 bug 時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-02.gif" alt= "code-02.gif" /></p> <p>When my regex returned exactly what I expected<br /> 當我的正則運算式返回想要的東西時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-03.gif" alt= "code-03.gif" /></p> <p>When a friend of mine asks me to fix his website built with Joomla<br /> 當我的朋友要我要幫他修復他的用 Joomla 架設的網站時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-05.gif" alt= "code-05.gif" /></p> <p>When I'm told that the module on which I have worked all the week will never be used<br /> 當我聽說的已經幹了一周的模組將永遠不會被使用時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-06.gif" alt= "code-06.gif" /></p> <p>When the code that I have not tested on dev works perfectly in production<br /> 當我沒有測試過的代碼在正式使用中完全沒問題時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-08.gif" alt= "code-08.gif" /></p> <p>When the sales people announce they have sold our product to the customer<br /> 當銷售人員宣布他們已把我們的產品賣給客戶時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-09.gif" alt= "code-09.gif" /></p> <p>When I apply a new CSS for the first time<br /> 當我第一次使用新的 CSS 時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-10.gif" alt= "code-10.gif" /></p> <p>When sysadmin finally gives us the root access<br /> 當系統管理員終於給我們 root 權限時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-11.gif" alt= "code-11.gif" /></p> <p>When I launch my script for the first time after several hours of development<br /> 當我第一次啟動開發了幾個鐘頭的腳本時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-12.gif" alt= "code-12.gif" /></p> <p>When I go off for the weekend while everyone else is still trying to fix bugs<br /> 當我去度週末而別人還在埋頭修 bug 時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-13.gif" alt= "code-13.gif" /></p> <p>When the app goes into beta and the first bug reports arrive<br /> 當應用進入 beta 測試階段第一個 bug 報告出現時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-14.gif" alt= "code-14.gif" /></p> <p>When the boss is looking for someone to urgently fix a difficult bug<br /> 當老闆找人緊急修復一個棘手的 bug 時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-15.gif" alt= "code-15.gif" /></p> <p>When a thing that worked on Friday no longer works on Monday<br /> 當一個玩意兒週五還工作週一就不行了的時候:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-21.gif" alt= "code-21.gif" /></p> <p>When I show the boss that I have finally fixed this bug<br /> 當給老闆演示我終於修好的一個 bug 時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-07.gif" alt= "code-07.gif" /></p> <p>When I return to development of my code that wasn't commented<br /> 當我回頭發展自己沒加註釋的代碼時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-27.gif" alt= "code-27.gif" /></p> <p>When a bug goes unnoticed during a presentation<br /> 當在做演示中一個 bug 沒被發現時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-23.gif" alt= "code-23.gif" /></p> <p>When a newbie suggests to add a new feature to project<br /> 當一個新手建議要向項目中添加一個新的功能時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-16.gif" alt= "code-16.gif" /></p> <p>When the boss announces a bonus if the project is completed before the deadline<br /> 當老闆宣布如果項目提前完成時有獎金時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-17.gif" alt= "code-17.gif" /></p> <p>When I realize that I have been blocked for two hours because of a forgotten semicolon<br /> 當我意識到自己被一個漏寫的分號時卡了兩個鐘頭時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-18.gif" alt= "code-18.gif" /></p> <p>When asked to lend a hand on a Friday afternoon<br /> 當星期五下午被人求助時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-19.gif" alt= "code-19.gif" /></p> <p>When the project manager suddenly looks on my screen<br /> 當項目經理突然看在我的屏幕的時候:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-20.gif" alt= "code-20.gif" /></p> <p>When the client tries to click on the mockups<br /> 當客戶試圖按圖樣上的按鈕時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-22.gif" alt= "code-22.gif" /></p> <p>When customer wants to change specification 2 days before pushing to production<br /> 當客戶想在推出正式版2天前要求更改設計要求時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-24.gif" alt= "code-24.gif" /></p> <p>When my script finally worked<br /> 當我的腳本終於正確工作時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-26.gif" alt= "code-26.gif" /></p> <p>When I am asked to continue work of a newbie colleague<br /> 當我被要求繼續幹完一個新手同事做了一半兒的活兒時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-29.gif" alt= "code-29.gif" /></p> <p>When I'm told that my code is broken in production<br /> 當我得知自己的程序在使用時壞事時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-31.gif" alt= "code-31.gif" /></p> <p>When I find a solution without searching Google<br /> 當我沒用谷歌就找到一個解決問題的方法時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-35.gif" alt= "code-35.gif" /></p> <p>When the intern tells me that "the tests are for those who can not program"<br /> 當實習醫生跟我說“測試是給不能編程的人用的”時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-32.gif" alt= "code-32.gif" /></p> <p>When I manage to replace 200 lines of the algorithm by only 10 lines<br /> 當我設法把200行的算法簡化成區區10行時:<br /> <img src="http://meng6net.localhost/pages/images/blog/developer_moments/code-33.gif" alt= "code-33.gif" /></p>