quiver graph: directed multigraph, 有向伪图
quiver, loop arrows from and to the same vertex
object, vertex in a graph
from directed multigraph to categories
morphism, or arrow
identity morphism
composition of morphisms
There can be multiple different loops on one object, but one of them must be the identity morphism. Why?
Haskell languge is a category, Hask, with the Haskell language types as the objects and Haskell-langauge functions are morphisms.
'Hask' is a Cartesian closed category
monoids for input and output in Haskell language
Haskell and WL
category theory and WL
- Bartosz Milewsk, "Category Theory for Programmers," 2014 - 2017, https://bartoszmilewski.com/2014/10/28/category-theory-for-programmers-the-preface/.
- Eugenia Cheng's research papers on category theory
- 'TheCatsters' Youtube channel
- Tom Leinster, "Basic Category Theory," 2016, arXiv:1612.09375v1 [math.CT]
- Tom Leinster's research papers