Welcome to Moscow,

You could think we were just outside Detroit, except that all the signs were in Russian. The highway that circles Moscow had trees and farmland on one side, modern suburban civilization on the other. A difference from my memory of Michigan was the numerous high-rise apartment buildings. It was about eleven in the morning and we were taking the hour-long bus ride from Sheremetyevo airport on the north side to Domodedovo on the south, where we would meet our hosts.

Totya Karina and her daughter Anna met us at Domodedovo. We took another couple of buses before we got home, we were so glad to be with friendly faces again. Below left is the scene their 7th floor vantage point in the south suburb of Vidnoe (veed-NOY-ya). You can see the birch forest in the not-too-far distance.
Totya Asia's family had been neighbors of Leyla's family back in Baku. Her older son Sergey was a baby at the same time as Leyla's mom. Below on the left we see Anna, Leyla, Karrina, and Totya Asia (seated). Below on the right, Karro is standing and Sergey is seated. Kaysha the parrot is also an esteemed member of the household.
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Last modified: Thu Dec 22 23:53:43 Central Standard Time 2005