2002 GLPA Poster created by Jeff Bryant

To view an HTML version of the contents of my poster, click on the HTML format link below.

Right-click on the PDF format link to download a full-color PDF version of the contents of my poster: Cataclysmic Variable Stars: Modern Astronomy in Motion (Size: 484 KB)

Complete Poster (PDF Format) (Size: 2.5 MB) Suitable for printing on a plotter.
GLPA Poster (HTML format) Best viewed with screen resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels.
GLPA Poster (PDF format) Paper mode, multiple pages

For a black and white PDF file of the handout (limited version of the poster) right-click on the following link (Size: 272 KB):

GLPA Handout


Artwork of Mark A. Garlick http://space-art.co.uk/
Wolfram Research, Inc. http://www.wolfram.com
STScI Digital Sky Survey http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_form
AAVSO http://www.aavso.org

Questions or suggestions? jeffb@wolfram.com