TikZ: an integer number line
TikZ does the math for you - tell it you want to put something at \((\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}, 0)\) and it will calculate the exact location.
\#+begin_src latex :file ./img/cohen-precalc-1.1B.png :imagemagick yes :results output silent :fit yes :imoutoptions -geometry 900 :iminoptions -density 600
\begin{tikzpicture}[ >=Stealth, define rgb/.code={\definecolor{mycolor}{RGB}{#1}}, rgb color/.style={define rgb={#1},mycolor} ] % x-axis \draw[<->] (-5,0) -- (5,0); % 11 \fill[black] (11/4,0) circle (0.4 mm) node[above=6pt] {\scriptsize\strut $11/4$}; \draw (11/4,0) -- ++(0,7pt); % 12 \fill[black] (-7/8,0) circle (0.4 mm) node[above=6pt] {\scriptsize\strut $-7/8$}; \draw (-7/8,0) -- ++(0,7pt); % 13 \fill[black] ({sqrt(2) + 1},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[above=20pt] {\scriptsize\strut $1+\sqrt{2}$}; \draw ({sqrt(2) + 1},0) -- ++(0,22pt); % 14 \fill[black] ({1-sqrt(2)},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[above=20pt] {\scriptsize\strut $1-\sqrt{2}\quad$}; \draw ({1-sqrt(2)},0) -- ++(0,22pt); % 15 \fill[black] ({sqrt(2)-1},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[above=20pt] {\scriptsize\strut $\quad\sqrt{2}-1$}; \draw ({sqrt(2)-1},0) -- ++(0,22pt); % 16 \fill[black] ({-sqrt(2)-1},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[above=20pt] {\scriptsize\strut $-\sqrt{2}-1$}; \draw ({-sqrt(2)-1},0) -- ++(0,22pt); % 17 \fill[black] ({sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[above=32pt] {\scriptsize\strut $\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}$}; \draw ({sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)},0) -- ++(0,34pt); % 18 \fill[black] ({sqrt(2)-sqrt(3)},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[below=20pt] {\scriptsize\strut $\sqrt{2}-\sqrt{3}$}; \draw ({sqrt(2)-sqrt(3)},0) -- ++(0,-22pt); % 19 \fill[black] ({(1+sqrt(2))/2},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[below=20pt] {\scriptsize\strut $(1+\sqrt{2})/2$}; \draw ({(1+sqrt(2))/2},0) -- ++(0,-22pt); % 20 \fill[black] ({(2*sqrt(3)+1)/2},0) circle (0.4 mm) node[below=32pt] {\scriptsize\strut $(2\sqrt{3}+1)/2$}; \draw ({(2*sqrt(3)+1)/2},0) -- ++(0,-34pt); % labeled dots in Cohen Precalculus 4ed blue \foreach \i in {-4,-3,...,4} % points on line \fill [rgb color={0,165,214}] (\i,0) circle (0.8 mm) node[below=6pt,black] {$\i$}; \end{tikzpicture}